The Urban Uke Project, UUP was founded in Oliver in the fall of 2017. It is a music program that teaches children how to play the ukulele. The ukulele is an instrument in the lute family and resembles a miniature guitar. Most children are thrilled to learn how to play the instrument and actually catch on pretty quickly! For those who may not know, the ukulele is a serious instrument and many genres of music can be played on it, including classical music.

This spring finalé performance was held in June, 2021 at the Bethel Playscape in Oliver. It was a bright and beautiful day to hear our kids play and give out awards for their spectacular performance.

Some of the songs that our UUP kids have learned to play are nursery rhymes such as Frére Jacques and Hush Little Baby, R&B Classics such as Wonderful World and Stand By Me, and Classical music such as Cannon in D and Andantino in C.