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Historic Oliver

Historic Oliver's June Community Meeting

Writer: citymoodscitymoods

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

In June, Baltimore Oliver Community Association had a very informative meeting. A representative from the Maryland Insurance Administration, MIA, which is an insurance regulation agency gave some very good information. Th​ey serve their core constituents by ensuring fair treatment of consumers. MIA can investigate complaints with your insurance company. They also provide rate guides with all of the insurance companies listed. If you recieved denials for health insurance, you can file a complaint with MIA. Filing complaints enables it to be documented and can hold your legislators accountable. Insurance companies have to come up with legitimate reasons why they are raising rates (all types of insurance). You can protest your insurance rates if your insurance rate was increased. It is illegal for them to drop you or raise your rates because you protest. You have 30 days before your rate increases to protest.

Historic Oliver residents attending June's monthly community meeting

The Baltimore Police Department, BPD discussed the crimes over the past month. Crime has increased in auto-theft in the surrounding communities. Consider getting a club. If you have a Hyundai or Kia, you can pick up a club for free from your police district. Car thefts are taking place all times of the day, but mostly during the day.

BPD is still operating under the Consent Decree. In response to a question about dirt bikes, BPD stated that under the Consent Decree, the police do not chase them, but it is an arrestable offense. With the new marijuana laws that will go into effect on Saturday July 1, 2023, smell cannot result in a search unless you are driving. But if the marijiana is out in the open, one can be stopped and searched.

The curfew is in force. BPD cannot make kids get in the van for violating curfew. For loitering juveniles, according to policy, city resources can be contacted to try to get them off of the street, but only if they are in in groups 7 or more, according to policy.

Historic Oliver has 4 officers assigned around the clock. Bike patrol, 2 officers at a time, 2 shifts. As of July 1st, BPD will be redistricting - Oliver will probably be under the Central District.

Gary Crum, a representative from the States Attorney’s Office, discussed the new quality of life enforcement policy, which started on June 12th.The citation document highlights the offenses and penalties. Those authorized to issue citations are Baltimore Police, Baltimore City Sheriffs, Morgan State University Police, University of Maryland Police, MTA Police, MDTA Police, Amtrak, and ATC officers can issue citations. The citations are only for people 18 and over. If a citation and community service is refused, you will be prosecuted. Wherever the citation is issued, is where the community service will have to be served.

  • 1st offense - 5 hours of community service

  • 2nd offense - 10 hours of community service

  • 3rd offense - will be prosecuted

Check out the FAQs pertaining to the new quality of life citation initiative.


Pam Moore - B-OCA President

Baltimore Oliver Community Association, B-OCA meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month, 7-8pm at the Sojourner Place building at 1202 E. Preston Street. If you have any questions about this meeting or any others, feel free to send an email to:

The quarterly Development meetings are held on the third Thursday, in lieu of the community meeting that month, but starts at 6:30pm. (Feb., May, Aug., Nov.)

Follow Baltimore Oliver Community Association, B-OCA on Facebook and instagram

***Upcoming Events to Attend!

July 4th BBQ & Pizza Party! @ Oliver Community Farm - Tuesday, July 4th, 4-6pm, 1325 N. Bond Street - The Pizza Oven will be set up!

Oliver Market Nights! - Every Thursday, 5:30-7pm, Oliver Community Farm, 1325 N. Bond Street



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